Showing Tag: "suffragettes" (Show all posts)

Indian Suffragettes

Posted by on Monday, December 18, 2023, In : Photography 

Top - Lolita Roy who worked tirelessly to help education Indian women and to gain them the vote in India.
Middle - Princess Sophia Duleep Singh who used her privileged position to help the suffrage cause.
Bottom - Both women pictured together (centre of the picture).

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Edith Garrud's Jujitsu

Posted by on Friday, September 20, 2013, In : Photography 

Edith Margaret Garrud was an early 20th century female jujitsu expert who used her considerable skill to train a group known simply as the Bodyguard. They were tasked with giving protection to Emmeline Pankhurst and other suffragettes, who were regularly manhandled and harassed by police.

In 1913, Garrud made a short film (from which the pictures above are taken) to demonstrate her jujitsu and show than even in the male dominated world of the early twentieth century, a well-trained woman coul...
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