Showing Tag: "jujitsu" (Show all posts)

Edith Garrud - The Arrest

Posted by on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, In : Art 

A depiction of Edith Garrud called The Suffragette that Knew Jiu-Jitsu. The Arrest. The cartoon was drawn by Arthur Wallis Mills and Published in the UK in Punch Magazine, 6 June 1910.
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Edith Garrud

Posted by on Monday, January 22, 2018, In : Photography 

Edith Garrud, who taught jujitsu to the suffragettes in the early twentieth century, demonstrating some moves on a police officer.


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Valdemar Santana

Posted by on Thursday, August 6, 2015, In : Photography 

Valdemar Santana holding Regional Capoeira Mestre Arthur Emidlo above his head with one hand in the early 1960s.

Santana was a champion in Gracie Jujitsu and Capoeira, studying with Helio Gracie in the former and Mestre Bimba in the later. Santana is famous for being one of the few men to defeat his former coach Helio Gracie who he beat twice in Vale Tudo (no holds barred) matches, both of which lasted more than three hours.

Image Source:

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German Jujitsu c.1931

Posted by on Monday, April 6, 2015, In : Photography 

This 1931 jujitsu demonstration in Germany aimed to show how a well-trained unarmed woman could defend herself against a would-be attacker. In this scenario, a rope tied across the road has caused her to stop her car and she is set upon by a man with a knife. She controls the knife hand and engages the assailant by grabbing his throat before taking him to the floor with a throw.

Pinterest, Martialarts.unltd

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Akiyama Yoshitoki

Posted by on Friday, November 8, 2013, In : Art 

Akiyama Yoshitoki, a physician from Nagasaki was instrumental in the development of the Yoshin School of jujitsu in the 17th century. After studying medicine in China, he learned hakuda, a fighting style that mainly consists of striking and kicking techniques and applied his knowledge to his jujitsu. This allowed him to develop hundreds of ways to subdue an opponent, and to be able to revive those he rendered unconscious or heal those he had caused injury to.
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Techniques from Tenjin-Shinyo Jujitsu

Posted by on Saturday, November 2, 2013, In : Art 

Techniques from the Tenjin-Shinyo School of jujitsu, founded by Matayemon Iso in the 17th century.
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Mitsuyo Maeda c.1910

Posted by on Monday, October 28, 2013, In : Photography 

This picture of Mitsuyo Maeda (1878 – 1941) was taken around 1910. Maeda was a Japanese judoka who is reported to have won around 2000 no holds barred fights and along with Antônio Soishiro Satake, he pioneered judo in Brazil, the United Kingdom, and other countries. So important was he to the development of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, he is often referred to as the Father of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
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Edith Garrud's Jujitsu

Posted by on Friday, September 20, 2013, In : Photography 

Edith Margaret Garrud was an early 20th century female jujitsu expert who used her considerable skill to train a group known simply as the Bodyguard. They were tasked with giving protection to Emmeline Pankhurst and other suffragettes, who were regularly manhandled and harassed by police.

In 1913, Garrud made a short film (from which the pictures above are taken) to demonstrate her jujitsu and show than even in the male dominated world of the early twentieth century, a well-trained woman coul...
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Grappling Samurai Warriors

Posted by on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, In : Art 

An old illustration of two samurai warriors engaged in hand to hand combat on the battle field. The grappling
moves being displayed are an example of fighting techniques that come from an early form of jujitsu.
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Judo vs. Brazilian Jujutsu

Posted by on Friday, August 16, 2013, In : Video 

A fight between Masahiko Kimura, Judo master and Heloi Gracie, the Brazilian Jujutsu legend from 1951

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Jujutsu by Toyokuni Utagawa

Posted by on Tuesday, August 13, 2013, In : Art 

Title:  Jujutsu

Date:  c.1815

Artist:  Toyokuni Utagawa (Also referred to as Toyokuni I)

Information:  This woodblock print by renowned artist Toyokuni Utagawa depicts an expert in Jujutsu fending off multiple attackers. Utagawa was one of the leading artists that came out of the famous Utagawa school of Japanese woodblock art, and is credited with making the school famous in the 19th century.

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