Saint Nicholas of Myra (270 – 343 CE) also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, children, brewers, pawnbrokers, toymakers, unmarried people and students. He was born into a wealthy Greek family and after his parents died, is said to have distributed his inheritance to the poor. In one instance, he heard of a man with three daughters who were unable to get married as their father could not afford the dowry, which would have led to them becoming prostitutes. Nicholas went to the man’s house and threw bags of gold into the garden which allowed them to marry their suitors.

He is said to have been imprisoned and tortured by the Romans during the last and worst period of the persecution of Christians in around 303 CE but was later freed by Constantine the Great after his converted to Christianity. Saint Nicholas is also said to have learned that three innocent men had been sentenced to death after a juror had accepted a bribe. Just before they were put to death, he disarmed the executioner, pushing his sword to the ground and freed the men from their chains before angrily chastising the juror.

Another legend states that he slapped the heretic Arius because he did not believe in the Holy Trinity. Nicholas was imprisoned for this but was visited by Jesus and the Virgin Mary, who freed him after he explained that he was incarcerated ‘for loving you.’ A story that circulated about the Saint in the Middle Ages had him visit a famine-hit town where he came across a butcher who had murdered three children and had them pickled in a jar intended to sell them off as ham. On seeing this, Nicholas made the sign of the cross which instantly restored the children back to life.

Although most of the stories of Saint Nicholas are unsubstantiated and may not be historically accurate, tales of his generosity, gift-giving, protectiveness over children and his sense of justice have undoubtedly been a major influence on Christmas over the years and show why he is one of the main influences behind Santa Clause.