Yoritomo Minamoto

August 28, 2012

Yoritomo Minamoto (1147 - 1199) , after he defeated the ruling Taira Clan and
ushered in the Kamakura period and the rule of the Minamoto Shogunate.

Sensei Anko Itosu with Kenwa Mabuni & Gichin Funakoshi

August 25, 2012

Sensei Anko Itosu (with the glasses), pictured with some of his students including
Kenwa Mabuni (standing) & Gichin Funakoshi (to Itosu's left).

Date: c.1880.

Update - Having recently read an article on dandjurdjevic.blogspot.com it has come to my attention that Kenwa Mabuni can not be in this picture as he was not born until 1889, 21 years after Gichin Funakoshi. It seems likely that the boy seated is in fact Funakoshi though there is some doubt as to weather or not it is Anko Itosu sat beside him.


Taekwondo History Legends – Chin Heung and the HwaRang

August 25, 2012

One of the earliest influences on taekwondo history and philosophy was the twenty-fourth King of Silla, Chin Heung. He organised a special fighting unit for his army who were well trained, elite warriors known as the HwaRang who were prolific with weapons as well as an unarmed combat system called SooBak.

They became taekwondo history legends because their whole lives were dedicated to protecting their realm. They were also taught spiritual matters and they were expected to live by an honour code that consisted of five rules;

  1. Always stay loyal to the monarch
  2. Obey your parents
  3. Act with honour towards your friends
  4. Have total dedication to win in battle
  5. Only take life when justified

The HwaRang became such prolific warriors that in the 7th century, they helped Silla defeat its two much larger rivals, unifying the country in the process and bringing peace to Korea.

Image: The statue of Kumkang-Yuksa, a famous warrior figure from the age of the Silla Dynasty


Street Fighter Two

August 23, 2012

Soft vs. Hard

August 22, 2012
Soft vs. Hard

War Elephants

August 22, 2012
War Elephants

Title: The Battle of Zama


:  Henri-Paul Motte (1846–1922)

Infomation: The war elephants of Hannibal’s Carthaginian army fighting
against the Roman infantry at the Battle of Zama in 202 BC

Yim Wing Chun

August 16, 2012
Yim Wing Chun

:  Yim Wing Chun

Date:   Unknown

Artist: Unknown

Infomation:  Yim Wing Chun training on a wooden dummy

Muay Thai Boxing Legends - The Tiger King

August 15, 2012
Muay Thai Boxing Legends - The Tiger King

King Prachao Sua, A.K.A The Tiger King (1662 – 1709) loved Muay Thai so much that he would often sneak off in disguise and enter tournaments. He is remembered for his bravery in the ring and fought many notable fighters from nearby villages who, had they known who he really was, would have never have fought him. The Tiger King helped popularize Thai Boxing amongst his subjects and formally made it a part of the army’s training. He influenced the fighting styles, equipment and the martial art’s place in Thailand culture and is a true Muay Thai Boxing legend.

(Image: Scene from the court life (17th century) showing a Muay Thai Boxing match)

More legendary masters from martial arts history


The History of Unsu

August 14, 2012

 Unsu (Hands in the Clouds) is a high level kata and one of the oldest practiced within Shotokan karate. Its exact origins are unknown but it is believed to be of Chinese origins, and of the Dragon Style of Kung Fu. According to Masatoshi Nakayama, anyone who tries to master Unsu before first mastering the Heian kata, Kanku-Dai, Empi and Jion will look like “a scarecrow trying to dance".

Symbolism is a recurring theme in the history of the martial arts and it has been suggested that the moves in Unsu represent a thunder storm. The first move could be said to be representing a squall line on the horizon, the way the feet draws circles on the ground along with the finger strikes in subsequent moves representing dust devils gathering as lightning strikes the ground.

Following this, the rapid movements in all directions can be seen as symbolic of winds blowing in all directions, and generally throughout the kata the slow movements can be seen as a calm in the storm before it blows up again ferociously. Finally, towards the end of Unsu, the jumping, spinning back kick can be seen as a tornado.

The son of sensei Gichin Funakoshi, Yoshitaka, was sent to learn kata from Okinawan master Kenzo Mabuni and as a result of these teachings, the curriculum of Shotokan is believed to have included Sochin, Nijushiho and Unsu.

More Kata History

Zen Proverb

August 14, 2012
Zen Proverb
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