Mestre Jose Antonio do Nascimento

May 10, 2013

A rare photograph of legendary capoeira fighter Mestre Jose Antonio do Nascimento
(1842 - 1936), commonly known as Nascimento Grande (Great Birth).

Moko Shurai Ekotoba

May 10, 2013

Title:  Moko Shurai Ekotoba

Artist:  Unknown

Date:  c 1293

Infomation:  This picture depicts the samurai facing Mongol arrows and bombs and is from a set of near contemporary illustrations known collectively as the Moko Shurai Ekotoba. They were commissioned by the samurai warrior Takezaki Suenaga to record for prosperity his heroic deeds during the Mongol Invasions of Japan, which consisted of two failed attempts to conquer the country in the second half of the 13th century.


Taekwondo KO

May 9, 2013

Nihon Kendo Kata

May 5, 2013

Nihon Kendo Kata, forms 1 to 10.

Goro Nyudo Masamune (c.1264 – 1343 CE)

May 4, 2013

:  Masamune

Date:  Unknown

Artist:  Unknown

Infomation:  This old image is of Gorō Nyūdō Masamune (c.1264 – 1343 CE), widely considered to
be the best sword smith that ever lived. He lived during the Kamakura Period and is said to
have made swords that had the perfect balance between strength and flexibility.

Entellus vs. Dares

May 4, 2013

:  L'Énéide

Datec.1927 (?)

Infomation:  Painting depicting the famous boxing contest between Entellus and Dares, as described in Virgil's epic poem, The Aeneid, written sometime between 29 and 19 BCE. The older Sicilian champion Entellus went on to win the fight against his younger opponent from Troy, which is said to have taken place in games held by Aeneas in Sicily.

The Shaolin Temple Before 1928

May 1, 2013

A photograph of the front gates of the Shaolin Temple, taken before the 1928 destruction
of the legendary Buddhist place of worship and home of Kung Fu.

Legends of T'ai Chi Ch'uan - Yang Lu-ch'an

May 1, 2013

Yang Lu-ch'an also known as Yang Fu-k'ui or Yang Fukui (1799-1872), was an influential master of t'ai chi ch'uan during the 19th century who founded the Yang-style. After a modest upbringing, Yang was hired by the Imperial family in 1850 to teach them and several of their élite Manchu Imperial Guards Brigade units martial arts.

At this time, he taught the Taijiquan style and is credited with spreading it throughout China, being named by four of the five Taijiquan families as having transmitted the art to them. When he fought, Yang never lost but he never caused serious injury to his opponent either and his fighting prowess was so well respected, that he earned the nickname Yang Wudi (Yang the Invinsable).

More legends of tai chi chuan

Spinning Jumping Roundhouse Kick - Tony Jaa

April 29, 2013

Tony Jaa executing a spinning jumping roundhouse kick in his hit movie Ong Bak.

The Fear of Death

April 28, 2013
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