Mestre Bimba in the News

July 20, 2013

This clipping from a Brazilian newspaper (c.1930) pictures Mestre Bimba, inventor of the Regional style of capoeira.
It states; “It is not easy to fight a capoeira player….he uses kicks and head-butts against an aggressor”.

Aikido Staff Defence

July 19, 2013

A Sword's Honour

July 19, 2013

The History of Ji'in

July 19, 2013

Hirokazu Kanazawa performing Ji'in

Ji’in (Inverted mercy) is no longer accepted as a kata of the Japanese Karate Association (JKA) and along with Wankan, was not included in the ‘Best Karate’ series by Masatoshi Nakayama, which is widely seen as a definitive guide to Shotokan kata. Despite this, many associations still teach it and many instructors feel the kata has a lot to offer their students.

The origins of Ji’in are obscure though as it shares the same Yoi position as Jion and Jitte, it may be closely related to them and have its origins in Chinese boxing (Kung Fu). Like many of the kata, Sensei Gichin Funakoshi changed the name of this form, however the new name, Shokyo (Pine Shadow), did not stick and the name was changed back to Ji’in.

More Kata History

Mas Oyama - Fighting a Bull

July 18, 2013

Sensei Mas Oyama, who had 52 fights with bulls, killing 3 outright and cutting off the horns of the rest with his knife hand strike.

Bare Knuckle Boxing Champs

July 18, 2013

This poster from 1864 (three years prior to the introduction of the Queensbury Rules) depicts three of the last four bare knuckle boxing champions who were among campaigners trying to organise an official World Championship. From left to right they are; Tom Sayers (champion 1858 – 1860), Jem Mace (champion 1861 – 1862 & 1866 – 1871) and Tom King (champion 1862 – 1863).

The Great Battle of Kurikaradani

July 18, 2013

Title:  The Great Battle of Kurikaradani between Kiso Yoshinaka and the Taira General Tomonori in 1183.

Artist:   Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)

Date:  1857

Information:  This Japanese woodblock print depicts the scene of the slaughter of Taira forces at the hands of the Minamoto Clan during the Battle of Kurikara. The victorious side launched a surprise attack and ambushed their opponents after forcing them into a closed off valley by guiding at them a heard of stampeding oxen with flaming touches attached to their heads.

We Walk on Hell

July 16, 2013

One Inch Punch

July 16, 2013

Pak Mei

July 15, 2013

Pak Mei (also known as Bai Mei and meaning White Eyebrows), founder of the Pak Mei style of Kung Fu.
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