The Battle Between the Gods and the Titans

December 19, 2013

Title:  The Battle Between the Gods and the Titans

Date:  1600

Artist:  Joachim Wtewael

Information:  According to Greek mythology, the world was once run by a group of deities known as the Titans. Their leader, Cronus, had eaten most of his offspring in a bid to prevent their prophesised rebellion however his youngest son, Zeus, escaped this fate. After freeing his siblings from their father’s stomach, they moved to Mount Olympus from which they waged war on the Titans.

Read more on the Battle Between the Gods and the Titans

Heinkel He 111 Bombers

December 18, 2013

A formation of low-flying German Heinkel He 111 bombers flies over the waves of the English Channel in 1940.

I Fear Not The Man...

November 22, 2013

Capoeira Scissor Kick

November 22, 2013

The Defeat of Benkei on Gojo Bridge

November 9, 2013

  Combat and Defeat of Benkei on Gojo Bridge

Date:  c.1830

Artist:  Hiroshige

Information:  A woodcut print of samurai legend Yoshitsune Minamoto (jumping on the right) attacking the warrior monk Benkei. The holy man had vowed to collect 1000 swords by dispossessing them from their owners in a series of duals. When he met up with the 15 year old Yoshitsune, he needed just one more for his collection but would soon realize that he had met his match. After being defeated but the young samurai, Benkei would become his faithful retainer and fight alongside him until the day they both died.

Akiyama Yoshitoki

November 8, 2013

Akiyama Yoshitoki, a physician from Nagasaki was instrumental in the development of the Yoshin School of jujitsu in the 17th century. After studying medicine in China, he learned hakuda, a fighting style that mainly consists of striking and kicking techniques and applied his knowledge to his jujitsu. This allowed him to develop hundreds of ways to subdue an opponent, and to be able to revive those he rendered unconscious or heal those he had caused injury to.

Joe Louis vs. Rocky Marciano

November 5, 2013

Picture taken on October 26, 1951, of the fight between the aging former champ, Joe Louis and a much younger up-and-coming fighter, Rocky Marciano. Louis had returned to the ring after retiring to clear his considerable debt to the IRS so when offered $300,000 to fight one of the hardest hitters around, it was too good to refuse.

Marciano, who grew up idolising Louis, demolished the former champion, knocking him to the floor in the eighth round before hitting him clean out of the ring, causing the fight to be stopped on a TKO. Louis retired for a second and final time after the bout, with his debts all but paid in full. After the fight, Marciano apologised to his opponent who humbly replied;

"What’s the use of crying? The better man won. I guess everything happens for the best."


November 5, 2013

Kung Fu Footage - 1930s

November 5, 2013

Footage of kung fu training from the 1930s, a time when the martial arts saw a period
of revived official acceptance in China after years of being outlawed.

Techniques from Tenjin-Shinyo Jujitsu

November 2, 2013

Techniques from the Tenjin-Shinyo School of jujitsu, founded by Matayemon Iso in the 17th century.
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