A Woman Hitting a Neo-Nazi with Her Handbag

August 26, 2015

This iconic photograph shows Danuta Danielsson, a concentration camp survive, stepping out of a crowd in the Swedish city of Växjö in 1985 and hitting a Neo-Nazi with her handbag.

Source: the-history-of-fighting.tumblr.com

Benny 'the Ghetto Wizard' Leonard

August 21, 2015

Benny the Ghetto Wizard Leonard, widely considered one of the best lightweights of all time, was champion from 1917 to 1925 defending his title seven times. His record stands at;

Total fights 219
Wins 183
Wins by KO 70
Losses 24
Draws 8
No contests 4

Source: wikipedia.org

A Man's Fate

August 19, 2015

"A man's character is his fate"

~ Heraclitus of Ephesus ~

Luca Valdesi Unsu Gif

August 19, 2015

Luca Valdesi (Taken from Unsu)

Bai Qi Chong Ding

August 7, 2015

Title: Bai Qi Chong Ding

Date: Unknown

Artist: Unknown

Information: This woodblock is taken from the Xiuzhen Miyao, a Qigong text with 49 exercises designed to promote a fit and healthy body. The text is of unknown origin but was rediscovered and published with a preface by Wang Zai in 1513. This illustration depicts Bai Qi Chong Ding (One hundred Qi rushing to the top of the head) and is an exercise designed to treat pain throughout the body. To perform the exercise, the patient must sit on a high stool with straight legs and with their feet on the floor. Next, the body is to be moved in a fashion that resembles bending a bow while circulating Qi for 10 breaths.

Source: wikimedia.org

Valdemar Santana

August 6, 2015

Valdemar Santana holding Regional Capoeira Mestre Arthur Emidlo above his head with one hand in the early 1960s.

Santana was a champion in Gracie Jujitsu and Capoeira, studying with Helio Gracie in the former and Mestre Bimba in the later. Santana is famous for being one of the few men to defeat his former coach Helio Gracie who he beat twice in Vale Tudo (no holds barred) matches, both of which lasted more than three hours.

Source: en.wikipedia.org
Image Source: ejmas.com

Tekki Shodan - Gichin Funakoshi

August 4, 2015

Still photos of Gichin Funakoshi taken while performing Tekki Shodan.

More photos of Sensei Funakoshi performing Tekki Shodan

Where Evil Lurks

August 4, 2015

Evil lurks where disappointment lodges.

~ George Foreman ~


Ronda Rousey Wins at UFC 190

August 2, 2015

Ronda Rousey beat her opponent Bethe Correia on her home turf in just 34 seconds at UFC 190 in Rio de Janeiro to retain the UFC women’s bantamweight championship. Ronda and her team decided to play brawler Correia at her own game and she went out aggressively from the start. The Brazilian made her mistake when she tried to clinch her opponent near the edge of the Octagon which failed and left her scrambling. Rousey had no hesitation and delivered the knockout blow winning her 12th straight fight in her UFC career.

The fight was somewhat of a grudge match after Correia had made comments that alluded to the fact that Rousey’s father had committed suicide when she was a young girl. Before the fight started, the two did not touch gloves as is customary and after the knockout, Rousey ignored her defeated opponent. After the bout, Rousey stated;

“I guess she can’t really say things about my hands anymore, huh,” and went on to say; “I hope that nobody really brings up my family anymore when it comes to fights”.

Source: washingtonpost.com

Muhammad Ali - Conscientious Objector

July 30, 2015

Muhammad Ali, who was famously banned from boxing for being a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War, points to a newspaper reporting in 1966 on a 30,000 strong protest march that had recently taken place against the conflict.

Source: dailymail.co.uk
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